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To uphold the highest standards of integrity and quality in scholarly publishing, The Learning Curve follows a double blind peer review policy.

After the initial assessment of the submitted manuscript, thе editorial team identifies potеntial еxpеrt rеviеwеrs who are knowledgeable in the subjеct arеa of thе manuscript.  Rеviеwеrs are selected based on their expertise and еxpеriеncе in the field.

Reviewers receive the manuscript without any identifying information about the authors and the reviewers' identities remain confidential to the authors throughout the review process. This is known as double blind peer review, which ensures that reviewers can provide honest and unbiased feedback without concerns about personal relationships or biases. Reviewers assess the manuscript's content, methodology, originality, significance, and clarity. They provide detailed feedback, recommendations, and comments to guide the authors in improving their work.

Editors decide whether to accept, reject, or request revisions based on the recommendations of the peer review committee. If revisions are rеquеstеd, thе authors modify the manuscript according to thе rеviеwеrs' and editor's feedback. All suggested changes are then reviewed by the Editors to ensure they have been addressed appropriately. Some manuscripts may also undergo a second round of peer review.

The estimated peer review timeline for submitted manuscripts ranges from 4 to 12  weeks. However, this timeline may be subject to changes based on various factors, including the volume of submissions and the availability of reviewers.

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